
Klaus Gerwert speaks at MEDICA 2023
Prof. Dr. Klaus Gerwert was a guest at MEDICA 2023 on Tuesday, 14.11. Together with other company representatives from Bochum, he gave a presentation on the topic of "Smart Health made in Bochum" at the joint stand of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Interested trade fair visitors were given an insight into the latest developments in the field of diagnostics for neurodegenerative diseases.

Klaus Gerwert receives the innovation award from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia
Detecting neurodegenerative diseases at an early stage – this is possible thanks to the biophysicist’s research. ...

NRW Minister of Economic Affairs Mona Neubaur visits start-up betaSENSE
Detecting neurodegenerative diseases at an early stage - this is possible thanks to protein research in Bochum. ...
more (only in German)
A look into your own future
PRODI-scientists have developed a blood test that can predict whether someone will develop Alzheimer’s. The test is presented in the ZDF broadcast “Leschs Kosmos“ and and in more detail in the 3sat broadcast „NANO“.
ZDF: „Leschs Kosmos – Healthy sick ones? In the network of diagnostics“ – June 1st, 2021. (only in German)
Early Alzheimer’s detection
3sat: „NANO“ – June 8th, 2021 (only in German)